Trading Bitcoin And Other Cryptocurrency with Extraterrestrials Will Not Happen Anytime Soon
Trading Bitcoin And Other Cryptocurrency with Extraterrestrials Will Not Happen Anytime Soon
We will never have the opportunity to trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, BAT and other cryptocurrency with aliens or even have a close encounter of the 4th kind.
A Recent Article About COVID-19
After reading a hilariously amusing article suggesting that aliens were preparing us for a close encounter using COVID-19 to weed out the weak, I decided to present information explaining why that is not possible. I will post a link to the article mentioned in my resource list.
The Vast Universe
The speed of light in what we consider a vacuum is a fraction less than 300,000 km per second. I learned that it takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for light to get from Sol to Earth in school and had the realization that everything observed has already happened. I will never see the present and be doomed to always be looking at the past.
We are certain that no alien civilizations exist at least between us and our closest neighboring star Alpha Centauri which is 1.29 parsecs or about 4.22 light years away. 1.29 parsecs is roughly equivalent to just less than 40 trillion kilometers. In contrast, the center of the Milky Way is over 8,000 parsecs from the earth. These calculations are my approximations and not done using a calculator. You can research Wikipedia for exact figures if it makes any difference in the big picture.
Even If We Knew Aliens Existed
Imagine we somehow knew that there was an alien civilization orbiting around Alpha Centauri and we decided to send out a scout to meet them using Voyager 2 as an example. Voyager 2 travels at a current speed of 58,888 kilometers per hour which is the fastest know man-made object today. Doing a quick calculation with my wooden abacus, I confirm that it would take 679.3 billion hours to reach the aliens.
So the reason we will never know or trade cryptocurrency with aliens is because space is just too vast.
Our technology does not afford us the ability to travel vast distances in any useful amount of time. Even approaching light speeds presents problems that we can’t circumvent. Necessary acceleration and de-acceleration times would just be too long to be of any use even if we achieved just a fraction of light speed transporting humans and other mass.
Final Thoughts
There is another possible scenario I have imagined where the aliens began their travel to Earth 679.3 billion hours ago or more and have somehow managed to propagate their alien race during the travel time, but then questioned why they would they would even come here in the first place not knowing we existed.
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